
July started off with celebrating Janson, of course!  He had his 15th birthday on the 1st. FIFTEEN. Just when I think I'm getting used to him being 14, he gets older! That's the way it goes. We had fun celebrating. We made a poster of "what we love about Janson", and everyone wrote many different things they appreciate and love about him....it was awesome. We love this guy!

He wanted biscuits and gravy for breakfast-- 

And we got him a few fun gifts.

The big thing we did was go to Dave & Buster's. Janson had been there once before, for a friend's birthday party. But he never got to try the Star Wars Virtual Reality. We don't do much video games, and not any virtual reality. But we thought it'd be fun for him to get to try it out.
So, we all headed to Dave & Buster's!
First up, Janson got to try the Star Wars game--that was fun.

The other boys got to try it out, too.

Everyone got to try out some games, and that was fun.

Even Grandma and I got to try out "Hungry, Hungry Hippos"!

We had fun.
I sure love this kid!
(By the way, shortly before turning 15, he officially reached 5'10" in height! He is now the same height as Jonnie. We will see how much more he grows!).

For dinner, he requested homemade stew. I teased him that stew in July (and in hot Arizona!) was an unusual choice...but truth be told, we all enjoyed it!.

And for his dessert, he wanted mint brownies and ice cream. It was a hit!
We didn't have candles, so Colton held the lighter for him. Ha ha! It worked well enough, while we sang.

Janson is a blessing. He is such a good soul. We are grateful for him.

We had a great Independence Day on the 4th. The night before, we joined our neighbors in watching the fireworks....
from our front yard!

The fireworks show was over at Anthem Park, but we could see them from our house--one of the biggest bonuses to us living so close!
I love this picture--
chilling, watching the fireworks.

Happy Independence Day!

Ryah and her patriotic flag-fruit kabobs! (and the admiring Janson....ha ha!)

On the 4th, we also had smash-burgers and made homemade strawberry ice cream. That night, we had our fun with pop-its and sparklers! Such a fun crew!

Grandma got in on the fun, too!

We got some new bikes for 4 of the kids. It was pretty exciting.  They got to help Jonnie assemble them.

Sierra, superstar bike rider!

And they've had some fun bike rides together!

And...I don't remember what this was about...I'm thinking Sierra must have taken it!
But, I'm here, too! :)

I found this...a little something that Ryah wrote. It was about our RV journey and it cracks me up!

We've been having a good summer, it's been nice having a bit of down time.  I love how comfortable everyone is.... :)
Watching a movie, Daxton uses Janson as a leg rest!

And Sierra uses Jonnie as a full body rest! :)

Janson practicing violin...I love listening to him play.

One of the things the kids wanted to do this summer was go to the beach! So, we made our way over to San Diego, where my sister lives. We were there for a few days. The first day, we drove over and headed straight to the beach in Del Mar.

Sierra relaxing--

The girls headed to the water--

Sierra "jumping waves"--

Hanging with my girl--

Colton and Daxton living it up!

Heading out for some fun--

Janson enjoying the shade--

Commence the digging in the sand!

Janson and I enjoying some sunshine--


Daxton playing in the waves--

After playing the afternoon away, we grabbed some quick dinner at "Board & Brew". It was a 'must', as this is where our nephew/cousin was working, before he left on his mission. Shout out to Jared!

We met up with the Blankenbillers and then we all headed to Torrey Pines beach for the sunset!

Cousins: Daxton, Sierra, Devin

It was a beautiful night!

(Janson and Ryah looking over the pictures she took)--

Then, we headed over to Handel's ice cream.  

YUM. It was fabulous!!

The second day, we headed to the beach again! But this time, we went to Torrey Pines. It was a fun--very much a family-friendly place.  The Blankenbillers joined us.

And the kids enjoyed boogie boarding.

Devin and Daxton, having their lunch--

When Jonnie finished his work day, he came and joined us.

Daxton and Devin were in the water practically the whole time! So much fun.

Janson and Branden enjoyed some skim-boarding--

Sierra played her heart out, then curled up on the rocks...and went to sleep!
A successful beach day! :)

That night, the kids hung out with cousins.

And Daxton and Sierra wanted to sleep outside. Good times!

The third day, we headed to Old Town San Diego...
So, first--we said goodbye to the Blankenbillers. So fun to be with them!

Then, we went to the Mormon Battalion.

On the tour, they had Sierra model carrying the soldier equipment.

She was so cute!

I love how she was cracking up!

The kids tried panning for gold, too--


View of Old Town--

We learned about a few of our ancestors who were in the Mormon Battalion. A great addition to all the church history sites we've been able to visit!

We checked out a bit more of Old Town-

And got some yummy root beer floats, to go with our lunch--

Someone had drawn the San Diego Temple in chalk, on the sidewalk!

We all got sunburns at the beach, and then...we peeled.
Colton had just little spots of peeling....and it peeled in the shape of a heart! He's artistic without even trying! :)

We had a great visit to the beach! Such a good time.
That next week, 4 of the kids were at the One10 basketball camp. It was a full week for them. 9-5 everyday, Monday-Friday.

And a good experience. I'm glad they could do it and learn some good things.
I was proud of them!

And Sierra and I had some wonderful one on one time through the week! I loved it. Just the two of us...we made banana bread, we went to the library, we read books together, we went swimming, we picked up Grandma from the airport (when she got back from visiting Justin in CO),....we just had some great time together.
She also had a play date!  Lainey Allen came and played one day, which was lots of fun!

That Friday, the 21st, was my Dad's birthday. He would have been 80. Sierra wanted to decorate the house with balloons and streamers, so we did.  And she wanted to carry her "Grandpa pillow" down the stairs, and share the decorations, like how they come down the stairs on their birthdays and see it all. :)
She is a sweetie.

To celebrate his birthday, we had pizza and chicken wings, and watched one of his favorite movies, "Father Goose". And we made homemade strawberry ice cream! It was a good time!
Happy Birthday, Grandpa! We love you.

On Sunday, Janson and Jonnie matched, without planning to!
Black slacks, white shirts, blue ties, and brown shoes! (and both 5'10")  ;) Good looking pair!

Monday, the 24th, was Pioneer Day. We had the Allens over and shared pioneer ancestor stories, and had homemade ice cream. Daxton and Sierra made this decoration--a wagon, a handcart, and the Nauvoo Temple! I love it!

Speaking of making things...Colton wanted to make this (Star Wars) Mandalorian helmet. Jonnie helped him with getting the materials, and Colton worked diligently on it.

It was pretty awesome!

He did a great job. It was pretty amazing.

And he spray painted it!

The kids hanging out, doing some karaoke. I love hearing them sing together!

Next up: Our big trip up to Utah, for family reunions!


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