
Back from our trips and summer fun.... the new school year will be getting under way...soon.

Us homeschoolers weren't quite ready for that and got to have a bit more of summer relaxation. But, since the public schools started, then seminary started, too.  Janson and Ryah are both doing online seminary this year, as the release time schedule accommodates the high school, but not always the homeschoolers.  Some of their classes will be right during the seminary times, so it won't work for us.  I'm grateful, though, that these kids are self-motivated and really wanting to get all that they can out of seminary, so they are diligent and focused on it, even online.  They had their first day of seminary--Mondays at 6 am, is the one day per week that they meet in person.

One Saturday, Jonnie and Janson got up to do an early morning hike, in preparation for another hike the following week.

After the hike....Janson and Colton both participated in the Stake basketball 3 on 3 tournament. Janson was on a team with Nathan and Rigdon. He dominated in the rebounding! He did awesome. And his team won the whole tournament! They really played well together.

Janson blocking out under the hoop!

Colton played on a team with Brady and Zach.  The day before, they got together and tie-dyed some shirts, to match for the tournament. Very fun. Colton has some sharp ball-handling and shooting skills! He did an awesome job!

Ryah, Sierra, and Daxton cheered them on, along with me, Jonnie, and Grandma.

Janson and Colton both did a great job, it was fun to watch them play!

After the early morning hike AND playing basketball for a couple of hours...Janson crashed on the couch once he got home and had a shower. It's a rare thing to see Janson fall asleep in the middle of the day...but he was tired! Truth be told, with his half-marathon training...we may see a few more of these instances...

Janson and Ryah had a fireside one Sunday, it was a "Hope of Israel group reunion".  This was Janson with his group--

Grandma and Colton working together on the salad for dinner--great team!

This is a common scene...Jonnie and Grandma having a hug, thanking each other for does my heart good every time. I had to try to catch a picture of it!

Ryah and Sierra making a french toast breakfast together--

Jonnie, Daxton, and Sierra doing a dance together. Love it!

The next Saturday, Jonnie and Janson went on their big hike. It was supposed to be to Humphrey's Peak, up past Flagstaff, near Snowbowl. But once they got up there with their group (some men from the ward), they discovered that the access road to it was closed for an event. Bummer! So, they went and hiked Kendrick Peak instead. Not quite as high or hard...but they still enjoyed it. It was about 9 miles.

"The hiking group"--

Janson's favorite spot--

The father and son shot--I love this picture! They had a great time together.

That same day, Ryah had a stake YW activity to attend. It was for all the incoming freshman in the stake.

They painted temple bags, played friendship games, had lunch....

And went and did baptisms at the temple! Such a great activity!
I love my Ryah. She is a positive, mature, sensitive young woman...I'm so proud of her!

With Janson, Jonnie, and Ryah all gone...I thought I'd take the younger ones for something fun to do!
We went swimming at the pool!

It was a good time. They are so fun!

Cleaning out the school room, to get ready for the new year, we busted out the geo-board. We made this when Janson was about 7 or 8, I think. Still getting some use!

I took the kids to the library and we found a fun book about handling problems. I really liked it--this line is perfect: "Every problem has an opportunity for something good. You just have to look for it." So true!

The kids started up again with piano lessons and Colton and Daxton were given a duet to work on. They did awesome! It was "In the hall of the mountain king". It was such a great opportunity for them to come together and work on something.  They have some differences in their personalities, but can also be such a great help and strength to each other--I love the opportunity for best friends! Colton is a very "thorough, mindful, intentional personality, taking his time". Daxton is a very "jump right in, push forward, all in personality, ready to tackle it". But, in working together, they really compliment each other, and teach each other. It's awesome to see them come together.

This last Saturday, Jonnie really wanted to go back up and hike Humphrey's Peak. It would be the last time of the season that we could do it. He and I both wanted to go, and of course, Janson...and we decided to invite Colton along, giving him the chance to meet the challenge. Ryah was a sweetheart and said she wanted Colton to have that opportunity, so she stayed back for the day, to watch Daxton and Sierra. She made it so fun for them!
They played games, watched a movie, did some chores, and made a special treat Sierra found in a cookbook.
Strawberries with cream cheese and chocolate drizzle. Yum!

They even saved some to share with us!

They were awesome and made it such a great day together!

We were up early, and drove the 2 hours up to Snowbowl area, to start the hike up to Humphrey's Peak.
It was fun to see how it started at the ski lifts, where we have snow-skied a number of times! It looks so different when it's all green, not yet covered by snow!

(The carpet ride that takes you to the bunny hill where Sierra first learned to ski)--

The lifts that the kids have taken over and over, to ski!

The weather couldn't have been more perfect! It was lovely. And a wonderful break from the heat down in Anthem.  The first part of the hike was covered in trees (and lots of tree roots coming out of the ground).

(The high ski lifts in the distance), including the gondola--

It was beautiful, and it was good for me to be in the mountains.

We talked and joked and had a great time together.

This hike was no joke. I mean, we totally did it (we're pretty tough)! But, it was definitely for advanced hikers, as it said online. It was 11 miles roundtrip. 

The elevation gain was 3,400 feet! Wow!

Proud of these boys (and Jonnie and I, too!) :)

This was especially a big deal for Colton. It was long, and tough, and I knew he was getting tired. And he would comment on it, but he didn't complain or whine or anything. Good kid!

Amazing views!

It took about 4 hours to climb up. Yep, no joke, my friend!
The last couple miles was quite the climb, and it was totally in ROCKS, once we were past the tree line. 

There were also THREE "false peaks"--where you think you're about there, and then discover you're not there yet....but we reached the 4th and final peak!

We enjoyed the view...

And of course, we took pictures!!

Look at these boys--at the HIGHEST point in Arizona! Humphrey's Peak--12,633 feet!

And us, too....we made it, too! :)

Janson, in his element--

Jonnie, posing! :)

Colton, feeling the accomplishment--


We had lunch, rested a bit, and wondered where in the world the bugs came from!

Heading back down--

(Janson and Jonnie reenacting Lord of the Rings...Frodo and Sam taking the ring to it's needed destiny)

It took about 3 hours to make it back wasn't as quick as we thought it would be, because it wasn't a smooth trail. The rocks and boulders, the huge roots, the slippery woodland trail that was steep at times made it so that it took some time getting down. There were a couple of slips and scrapes, too--by Colton, me, and Jonnie. Janson escaped injury...this time. Lucky guy. Smooth operator. :)
But we kept at it, and we did it! We were excited when we were nearing the end, and we had a bit smoother trails.

Toward the beginning of the hike, Colton had noticed a number of mushrooms growing. But he had wanted to find a big one. As we were nearing the end, I spotted the biggest one of the day! Good stuff!

It was a great day. We had some ice cream, because that's the way to end a big hike that takes most of your day....just ask Janson! :) He has suggested it as our tradition. I knew that boy was smart....and I homeschooled him, so I can take the credit! Ha ha...Just kidding (partly).  I'm so glad that we took that opportunity! We had a great day together, crushing the challenge.

Speaking of challenges...Ryah has been working on her balancing act with Sierra--skills!

And for Family Home Evening, we had a lesson (discussion led by me) and then Jonnie made up a fun activity. He had the kids all on a different instrument. Dax on piano, Ryah on ukulele, Colton on guitar, Janson on violin, and Sierra on (homemade) drums. It was awesome. He had them all do the same note together, and then they played "Louie Louie"--very fun!
Love this crew--

Another new school year is starting up....


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