Smurthwaite Family Reunion

After the Craig Reunion, we had a couple of days until the Smurthwaite Reunion would start. We took Grandma to Ken's house in Provo, so she could have time with his family while we had the Smurthwaites gathering. We then went and stayed with Jonnie's Aunt Jill, until the reunion.


The first day of the Smurthwaite Reunion, we went early to pick up the ATV's. Jonnie had rented them, encouraging teens and young adults to come. It was very generous of him.
We picked up the 3 ATV's, and then Jonnie, me, and Marie each drove one up to the meeting spot. Colton and Daxton rode with me--

Some of the first ones on the scene--

We got to take a few rides, before I took the younger kids with me to the reunion house, to start setting up and getting things ready.

Janson driving! He had fun, but was responsibly careful!

I got to drive, too. Pretty fun!!

Daxton and Colton got to each take a turn driving, just around the parking lot area. They loved it!

Jonnie was in charge of this reunion, with his sister, Heidi. He did a great job, trying to offer a variety of classes and such, and incorporating the things his parents had hoped for.
This was one of the classes, "Power Up"--about lifting others.

Jonnie and I taught a class about Family History, and engaging people of all different levels. It went really well--there was a wonderful spirit there. I love teaching with Jonnie.
Joel taught a class about AI and technology, and things to be mindful and cautious of. It was good.

Anne taught the kids to make friendship bracelets--

Of course, there was the beloved choir, led by Preston. That's a highlight!

More choir--

Marie holding the newest great grandchild, Rylan Bowthorpe--

There was a swing class, too--that was fun.

My man, getting his groove on! I love his dancing face! :)

Sierra danced the whole time, and I loved how much she danced with another great grandchild, 2 year old Hyrum North. They were really cute together!

Jonnie dancing with his Aunt Jill--

And with his mom--

Janson and Ryah dancing together, they're the cutest!

Jonnie and I grooving :)

A group went together early one morning to do baptisms at the Payson Temple. Marie, Janson, Ryah, Colton, and Jonnie were all with them (I stayed back with Sierra and Daxton). Lanea commented on the sweet spirit and love that my family showed each other there--I love them! :)

Smurthwaite Olympics--Janson, Colton, Daxton, and Marie were on the same team as me...and we won! That was fun. Janson and I were commenting on how we often aren't the 'winning team', but it's okay because it's about connecting and having positive experiences together. And then...we won! What a nice bonus!

And I got wrapped up like a mummy, in toilet paper rolls. Ha. That's the prize for being the tallest one on the team!

We also had those same groups to work together on preparing "ancestor skits". The skits were prepared/written beforehand, and then we practiced and prepared to perform them.
Janson was given the role as director--he did a great job! I was proud of him.

Our group did "Alf and Maggie Smurthwaite". Jonnie's group did "Edward Hunter".  Ryah and Sierra's group did "Charles & Rhea Smurthwaite".

(Sierra was Rhea)

They had a tribute for Grandpa and Grandma's 60th anniversary (which will be in September). There was a picture video put together of them, and they performed a number--"Side by Side".

We had a talent show, and most of the kids shared the talents they did for the Craig reunion, including Ryah and Marie's song, "Mountain Called Life"--

It was very sweet.

More dancing! Jonnie and Sierra were super cute together.

Colton with his buddy, Lincoln (another great grandchild)--

Todd helped people make rockets to launch! It was very fun--Jonnie helped our kids make theirs.

And we all gathered outside to launch them, on the last morning--

It was awesome!

It was very fun!!

It was a busy time, and Jonnie was incredible. He proposed some new ideas for reunions in the future, which could be really good. But it was a great reunion and so good to get together!

That Saturday, we picked up Grandma in Provo and then went to Aunt Jill's in American Fork. That night, we went to the World Folk Fest (like we did last year). And this time, Grandma came with us, too! 
It was awesome!

Such a fantastic show. I love seeing all the different cultural dances!
We had a wonderful trip to Utah, visiting with family.


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