
Showing posts from March, 2023


March was a FULL month!  It's been a doozy.  But a good kind of doozy!  We made a couple of birthday videos for family members, and sent them to them--the kids figured out how to play the Happy Birthday song on the keyboard, with each of them taking a note. Very fun! Ryah has been experimenting with various hairstyles and loves to practice on Sierra.  Most days, Sierra has either me or Ryah doing some fun thing with her hair!  She does have some long, thick, beautiful hair!(Truth be told, I love both Ryah's and Sierra's hair. As my hair changes and lightens--read: goes gray--it's fun to see their hair and think, "That's the kind of color I used to have!"). :) One Sunday, Sierra wanted to be 'matchies' with me, for church. She is a cutie! Speaking of cuties...Ryah and Sierra, flexing! Tough girls! The kids have led some more science experiments.  Sierra gathered the materials for this one.  Using a magnifying glass, to target the sun's rays/heat...